RUB, Bochum, Germany
Study of side-channel attacks and their countermeasures under the supervision of Tim Güneysu at the Chair of Security Engineering (with the support of CASA since May 2023).
Summers school attended:
- Real-world crypto and privacy 2022, in Šibenik, Croatia, about cryptography, hardware security, privacy, etc.
Conferences attended:
- CHES 2024, in Halifax, Canada.
- CHES 2023, in Prague, Czech Republic.
- CHES 2022, in Leuven, Belgium.
- RWC 2022, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Workshop attended:
- Presentation skills: Presenting Yourself & Your Work, May 2024, in Bochum, Germany, thanks to the support of CASA.
- Leadership Lab for Docs and Postdocs – Models and Skills, January 2025, in Bochum, Germany, thanks to the support of CASA.
Teaching Assistant for:
- Thesis colloquium for Bachelor's and Master's course since August 2022
- Digitaltechnik Summer 2024 Master's course, supervised by Jan Richter-Brockmann (RUB).
Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Study of side-channel attacks and symmetric cryptography, under the supervision of Joan Daemen and Lejla Batina, in the DiS group.
- From July 2021 to January 2022 at the Chair of Security Engineering, RUB, Bochum, with Tim Güneysu and Pascal Sasdrich
Summers schools attended:
- NESSY 2021, in Lübeck, Germany, about hardware security and side-channel attacks.
- Real-world crypto and privacy 2019, in Šibenik, Croatia, about cryptography, hardware security, privacy, etc.
- ARCHI 2019, Lab-STICC and Université Bretagne Sud, Lorient, France, about architecture of hardware systems and embedded softwares, and associated design methods (in French).
Workshops organized:
- Member of the organizing committee of Alice & Eve 2021 workshop, located at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
- Leading organizer of CrossFyre 2020 and 2021 editions (CrossFyre 2020 was postponed due to COVID19).
Teaching Assistant for:
- Security in Organizations 2021/2022 Master's course, supervised by Eric Verheul (Radboud University).
- Security in Organizations 2020/2021 Master's course, supervised by Eric Verheul (Radboud University).
Thesis supervision:
- Master's thesis, Protecting ICS Networks Against Cyber-Attacks, by Dennis Lemmers (Radboud University), 2019, co-supervised with Lejla Batina (Radboud University), Colin Schappin (Deloitte) and Jeroen Slobbe (Deloitte).
Elected PhD candidate representative at the Radboud University's Works Council (PON-OR), from September 2019 to September 2021. Member of the Radboud Women of Computing Sciences (RWoCS) association to connect women studying or working in the field since early 2019.
Télécom SudParis, Evry, France
Specialized in network and system security.
Hold the Title of Information Systems Security Expert (ESSI) from the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI).
High school Berthollet, Annecy, France
Intensive program preparing for the national competitive exam to entry into highly ranked engineering schools.